Anglia kontra Portugália - Melléknévfokozás (A2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. október 24.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag Anglia és Portugália összehasonlításán keresztül kalauzol bennünket el a melléknévfokozás érdekes világába: az ezen a szinten szükséges szabályok (magyarul), soksok példa ugyanarról a témáról, és feladatok a gyakorláshoz.


Comparing adjectives - Interactive module

Title England vs. Portugal - comparing adjectives
Language Grammar
Level Pre-intermediate
Time needed 20-25 mins
What you can learn In this module, you can learn about the basic rules for making the comparative and the superlative form of adjectives. We are comparing two European cities, Lisbon and London, as we do this. The rules are Hungarian, and simple, and they are always illustrated with and example. When you know them all, an interactive quiz is waiting for you where you can check all your answers.
What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise)

Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout)

Teacher's note

This is a grammar lesson about the rules for making the comparative and the superlative form of adjectives, presented in the context of comparing the cities of Lisbon and London. Students are presented with the most important meaning, form and pronunciation issues in Hungarian, with lots of examples. This is followed by a series of exercises in which students get the opportunity to practice the language.

You can download the lesson as a handout (.doc) as well as an interactive module (.swf)

Download lesson

- You can download the lesson here. (.doc)

- You can download the interactive module here. (.swf)