Rengeteg ismeretterjesztő oldal!
Tíz weboldal... - 2011. július 28.
Nagy öröm, hogy egyre gyakrabban ragadnak billentyűzetet olvasóink, hogy elmondják mit is gondolnak az oktatás, illetve az IKT helyzetéről, esetleg a jövőjéről. Most is így történt ez, és külön öröm, hogy ezúttal (igaz ismeretlenül) egy volt tanítvány osztotta meg velünk gondolatait. Mindez még mind semmi, mert Menyhárt Norbert nem csupán a problémát vetette fel (minőségi ismeretterjesztő weboldalak igényes embereknek?), hanem megoldást is javasolt - mégpedig egy igen komoly linkgyűjtemény formájában. Az igazság az, hogy a weboldalak mindegyike megérdemelne egy külön posztot, ehelyett rendszerezve adjuk közré és ajánljuk mindenkinek tanulmányozásra. Figyelem, a lapozás után több száz link található, sok millió oldalnyi minőségi szöveghez, illetve sokezer órányi multimédiás ismeretterjesztő anyaghoz. Mit is mondhatnánk mást: köszönjük!
A minőségi média nyomában ¬-- szubjektív válogatás
1. Magyar média
EPER (Első Pesti Egyetemi Rádió)
Az ELTE-BTK rádiója, sok egyetemi előadás meghallgatható különféle, nemcsak bölcsész témákról.
Mindentudás Egyeteme
Ismeretterjesztő előadások szerteágazó témákban.
MTV Videótár
A Magyar Televízió Videótára. Elérhetők régebbi filmek, dokumentumfilmek (MTV Mozi), ill. kiemelkedőbb alkotások (pl. Magyarország Története).
TED magyar feliratos előadások
Külföldi előadók rövid, humoros, sokszínű előadásai. További magyar nyelvű előadások érhetők el az alábbi linkeken:
BBC magyar adás
Néhány érdekes műsor a BBC magyar adásából.
Atomoktól a csillagokig
Az ELTE-TTK előadásai középiskolásoknak fizikáról. Az archívumban megnézhetők az eddigi előadások.
Alkímia ma
Az ELTE Kémiai Intézetének előadásai az anyagról nemcsak középiskolásoknak. Az archívumban megnézhetők az elhangzott előadások.
Zsiros László Róbert érdekes, házilag is elvégezhető kísérletei.
Magyarország krónikája
Magyarország története 100 rövid részben, Bozai József előadásában.
A Videotorium a felsőoktatás és kutatás szereplői számára létrehozott videó/audió megosztó portál, amely helyet és professzionális megjelenési formát biztosít a felsőoktatási intézményekben, kutatóintézetekben és közgyűjteményekben készített videó-tartalom számára. Elérhetők rajta: tudományos konferenciák, szemináriumok, órarendi előadások, tréningek/képzések, szakmai rendezvények, tudományos kísérletek, tudományos PR, bemutatófilmek, interjúk, stb.
Magyar internetes népzenei rádió
Ponticulus Hungaricus
A humán területek és reáltudományok kapcsolatait bemutató folyóirat.
Csermely Blog
Csermely Péter kutató gondolatébresztő írásai
Nyugat folyóirat (1908-1941) archívuma
Újságosnál megvásárolható ismeretterjesztő folyóiratok: Rubicon, História,
Élet és Tudomány, A földgömb, Természetbúvár, Természet Világa
2. Angol média
The Known Universe
Introductory short film about the whole known universe.
Ismeretterjesztő filmek megosztásával foglalkozó oldal. Rengeteg világszínvonalú BBC-sorozat elérhető itt sok más egyéb mellett. Sok filmhez van angol felirat is. A torrent-rendszer mellett közvetlen letöltésű, ed2k, usenet, illetve stream-rendszerű megosztással is foglalkozik. Törekszik a dokumentumfilmek folyamatos katalogizálására is. ( A regisztráció ingyenes, a letöltéshez ismerni kell a torrentezés működését. Kiemelten ajánlom!
The annual TED conferences bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes or less).
The Science Network
Recorded lectures, debates, interviews, conferences and talks dealing with scientific issues and how they relate to society.
Academic Earth
Academic Earth offers free access to video courses and academic lectures from leading colleges and universities.
Open Yale Courses
Open Yale Courses provides free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University. The aim of the project is to expand access to educational materials for all who wish to learn.
Annenberg Learner
Free video courses on diverse subjects for kids and adults alike.
FORA TV is the leading online destination for intelligent video programs on the people, issues, and ideas changing the world.
Richard Feynman: The Character of the Physical Law
Richard Feynman explains how to understand physical laws in his 1964 lecture series.
Walter Lewin’s physics lectures
Professor Walter Lewin covers most of physics at MIT in his introductory courses.
University of California, Berkeley Webcast
Huge archive of past courses and lectures in many university subjects.
Closer To Truth
Closer To Truth explores fundamental issues of the universe, brain/mind, religion, meaning and purpose through intimate, candid conversations with leading scientists, philosophers, scholars, theologians and creative thinkers of all kinds.
Sixty Symbols
Curious and quirky videos describing the various symbols used in physics and astronomy.
Periodic Table of Videos
Short videos about every element on the periodic table, plus other cool experiments and chemistry stuff.
Vega Science Trust
Vega`s videos aim to give us a fundamental understanding of principles of nature and the physical world. Outstanding scientists/communicators are directly involved with each video so that they can guide content of the programmes. Science is presented in a natural way as an intellectually challenging discipline and the videos fill the gap in TV coverage by presenting well-informed analyses on serious science-related ethical, economic, social, health and other issues.They reflect the overwhelmingly positive contribution that scientists have made to the well-being of society.
Short, engaging talks on current issues, technology, innovation, future challenges.
Research Channel
In-depth films about research and the sciences.
TVO Big Ideas
Big Ideas is a showcase of ideas that shape our public debates. At their best the lectures featured on the program expose us to the differing ways of defining what matters and how that affects our understanding of the world as it is and as it is likely to be.
The Charlie Rose Show
Acclaimed interviewer and broadcast journalist Charlie Rose engages America's best thinkers, writers, politicians, athletes, entertainers, business leaders, scientists and other newsmakers in one-on-one interviews and roundtable discussions.
RSA Animate
Creative, thought-provoking short videos on economic and social topics.
RSA Videos
The RSA: an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges. Through its ideas, research and 27,000-strong Fellowship it seeks to understand and enhance human capability so we can close the gap between today’s reality and people’s hopes for a better world. The video archive presents many well-known world-class thinkers.
Royal Society TV
Cutting-edge science presented and explained so that everybody can understand it.
Lunch Hour Lectures
Lunch Hour Lectures are an opportunity for anyone to sample the exceptional research work taking place at the university, in bite size chunks.
World Science Festival TV
The mission of the World Science Festival is to cultivate and sustain a general public informed by the content of science, inspired by its wonder, convinced of its value, and prepared to engage with its implications for the future.
Princeton University Webmedia
Huge archive of past lectures at Princeton University
Lectures online on computer science, mathematics, physics and more.
Khan Academy
With a library of over 2,400 videos covering everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and 125 practice exercises, we're on a mission to help you learn whatever you want, whenever you want, at your own pace.
British Pathé
90 000 videos covering newsreel, sports footage, social history documentaries, entertainment and music stories from 1896 to 1976.
National Film Board of Canada
Enjoy hundreds of documentaries, animations, alternative dramas and interactive productions.
Alan Macfarlane
This site offers many interviews that Alan Macfarlane conducted with scientists, writers and artists.
Google Art Project
Explore museums from around the world, discover and view hundreds of artworks at incredible zoom levels, and even create and share your own collection of masterpieces. Virtual tours.
50 Years of Nasa
Interactive history of Nasa.
We Choose the Moon
An interactive re-creation of the first mission to the Moon (Apollo 11).
A movie on Planet Earth and environmental issues shot completely from the air. You can watch the whole movie online for free.
2 short films presenting marine life without words
How to think about science
If science is neither cookery, nor angelic virtuosity, then what is it?
Modern societies have tended to take science for granted as a way of knowing, ordering and controlling the world. Everything was subject to science, but science itself largely escaped scrutiny. This situation has changed dramatically in recent years. Historians, sociologists, philosophers and sometimes scientists themselves have begun to ask fundamental questions about how the institution of science is structured and how it knows what it knows. David Cayley talks to some of the leading lights of this new field of study.
BBC Radio 4
A British radio station that broadcasts a wide variety of spoken-word programmes, including news, drama, comedy, science and history.
Big Picture Science
Big Picture Science is a one-hour science program produced at the SETI Institute’s radio studio in Mountain View, California. We broadcast and podcast every week.
Point of Inquiry
Launched in 2005, Point of Inquiry is the premier podcast of the Center for Inquiry, drawing on CFI's relationship with the leading minds of the day including Nobel Prize-winning scientists, public intellectuals, social critics and thinkers, and renowned entertainers. Each episode combines incisive interviews, features and commentary focusing on CFI’s issues: religion, human values and the borderlands of science.
Radiolab believes your ears are a portal to another world. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and human experience. Big questions are investigated, tinkered with, and encouraged to grow. Bring your curiosity, and we'll feed it with possibility.
ThoughtCast offers something that is glaringly absent from the media today: a bridge between the publications and pursuits of the intellectual world and a curious, informed, mainstream audience.
The Skeptics’ Guide to the Universe
The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is produced by SGU Productions, LLC - dedicated to promoting critical thinking, reason, and the public understanding of science through online and other media. The first episode of the SGU podcast went online on May 4th, 2005. It soon became a popular science/skeptical podcast, and remains one of the most popular science podcasts on iTunes.
This site offers recorded BBC spoken-word radio content via torrents.
Infidel Guy
Since 1999, The Infidel Guy show has brought you uninterrupted freethought and science-minded guests such as Michio Kaku, Dan Barker, Ken Miller, Michael Shermer, Asia Carrera, Richard Dawkins, Massimo Pigliucci, James Randi and many others. At our site and on our show we take a truthful and investigative look at religious beliefs, political systems, social issues, economic systems, the paranormal, pseudo-science and scientific claims.
The Bible Geek
Robert M. Price, a religious skeptic, presents theology and his thoughts on the Bible. His standpoint is that while he is skeptical of religion, he believes that the Bible is a very interesting book worth thinkig and speaking about whatever one thinks of religion. He adopts a friendly, enthusiastic, entertaining tone.
For Good Reason
For Good Reason is the interview program hosted by D.J. Grothe, promoting critical thinking and skepticism about the central beliefs of society. Interviews often focus on the paranormal, pseudoscience and the supernatural.
Understanding Science
The mission of Understanding Science is to provide a fun, accessible, and free resource that accurately communicates what science is and how it really works.
To arrive at the edge of the world's knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves. One of the most interesting free online web publication featuring the ideas and thoughts of the best thinkers in the world. The books of the Edge community are well worth reading for pleasure and education at the same time.
Seed Magazine
Science is changing our world. It is behind the transformations—social, economic, artistic, intellectual, and political—that are defining the 21st century. Through this lens, and with the newest tools of media and journalism, we aim to tell the fundamental story of our world today and to provide information and knowledge to help you prepare for the story tomorrow.
British daily newspaper. Latest news, sport, business, comment, analysis and reviews. Its Learning English section offers news and materials written for students.
The Economist
Authoritative British weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news and opinion.
From climate change to intelligent design, HIV/AIDS to stem cells, science education to space exploration, science is figuring prominently in our discussions of politics, religion, philosophy, business and the arts. New insights and discoveries in neuroscience, theoretical physics and genetics are revolutionizing our understanding of who are are, where we come from and where we're heading. Launched in January 2006, ScienceBlogs is a portal to this global dialogue, a digital science salon featuring the leading bloggers from a wide array of scientific disciplines. Today, ScienceBlogs is the largest online community dedicated to science.
Smithsonian Magazine
Smithsonian magazine is a monthly magazine created for modern, well-rounded individuals with diverse interests. It chronicles the arts, history, sciences and popular culture of the times.
Information is Beautiful
Ideas, issues, knowledge and data presented in a beautiful visual format for easier understanding of the statistics.
Information Aesthetics
Inspired by Lev Manovich's definition of "information aesthetics", this weblog explores the symbiotic relationship between creative design and the field of information visualization. More specifically, it collects projects that represent data or information in original or intriguing ways.
How Stuff Works
From car engines to search engines, from cell phones to stem cells, and thousands of subjects in between, HowStuffWorks has it covered. No topic is too big or too small for our expert editorial staff to unmask ... or for you to understand. In addition to comprehensive articles, our helpful graphics and informative videos walk you through every topic clearly, simply and objectively. Our premise is simple: Demystify the world and do it in a simple, clear-cut way that anyone can understand.
Naturalism is a resource for those interested in worldview naturalism and its personal and social implications. (If you don’t believe in anything supernatural – gods, ghosts, immaterial souls and spirits – then you subscribe to naturalism, the idea that nature is all there is. The website intends to demonstarte the validity and to show the consequences of this world-view, which is based on the findings of science.)
New York Review of Books
A fortnightly magazine with articles on literature, culture and current affairs. Published in New York City, it takes as its point of departure that the discussion of important books is itself an indispensable literary activity. The whole archive of past issues is available for free online.
Popular Science
A book review site dedicated to science books.
Learning Languages online:
Coffee Break French
More than 100 entertaining French lessons for complete beginners.
Daily French Pod
Daily French lessons from beginner to advanced
Coffee Break Spanish
80 entertaining Spanish lessons for complete beginners.