Beszél a testünk - vicces videó (C1)
Angolos ötletek - 2010. november 4.
A tananyag a 'body language', azaz a gesztusok, a testbeszéd témájában mutat újat. nem is keveset! Egy 6 perces videó segítségével mindent megtudhatunk, rengeteg szókincsfejlesztő feladat, interaktív játék várja a tanulókat. Figyelem: a tananyag hosszabb (és nagyobb terjedelmű), mint társai, ezért a letöltésnél pici türelem kéretik. De megéri, mivel nemcsak hasznos, hanem nagyon vicces is a videó!
Body language - video
Title | Learn all about body languege (in a funny video) |
Language | Listening/Speaking/Vocabulary/Video/Fun |
Level | Advanced (C1+) |
Time needed | 45-60 mins |
What you can learn | Video: This is a half-serious (buth rather funny) video on body language. There are a lot of exercises and vocabulary quizzes for you to do, with plenty of picture description and fun. The material is a bit longer than usual (also the files are larger, BE PATIENT!) but there is a lot of fun to be had :)) |
What you need on your computer |
Macromedia Flash Player (to download interactive material - .swf) Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout - .doc) |
Teacher's note |
This is a completely interactive, funny but also instructional lesson based on a 6-minute video. You can leave any of the vocabulary activities out if you have no time. Still, make your students watch the video at least two times so that they can appreciate the fun - as well as the language! |
Download lesson |
- You can download the lesson here. (.doc) - You can download the interactive material here (.swf) |