Tests That Teach 6 - Tanító tesztek (B2)

Angolos ötletek - 2010. november 4.

Írta: Prievara Tibor

A tananyag a 'Tanító Tesztek' folytatása. A tesztek különlegessége továbbra is az, hogy a megoldáson kívül minden egyes kérdéshez magyarázatot is ad. Így nem csak tesztelni, hanem valóban tanulni is lehet a TTT anyagaiból.

Tests That Teach 6


An interactive test with explanations

Language Grammar
Level Intermediate + (B2+)
Time needed 15-20 mins
What you can learn

Grammar: In this series of NetAngol, you are going to do tests (10 questions) that are great for any preparation or grammar revision. After completing each question, there is a grammar explanation to help you (in Hungarian)

What you need on your computer

Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive test - .swf)

Teachers' Note

This material is part of a series of TTT worksheets, all of which contain 10 multiple choice items with answers and explanations. Ideal for homework, individual study and also exam preparation as well as revision.

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