Ki mondta, hogy az amerikaiak buták? (B2)
Angolos ötletek - 2010. április 27.
A tananyag egy ötperces videó köré épül, amelynek célja, hogy megmutassa, mennyire tájékozottak az amerikaiak az őket körülvevő világ dolgairól. Nem szeretnénk lelőni a poént, úgyhogy mindenki kattintson és járjon utána maga! Hogy ne érje szó a ház elejét, a tananyag elején a kedves felhasználót is leteszteljük a videóban előforduló kérdéseken - lássuk, ki mit tud!
Americans are not stupid - Interactive module
Title | Americans are not stupid |
Language | Listening/Reading/Vocabulary |
Level | Upper-intermediate |
Time needed | 25-30 mins |
What you can learn |
This module centres around a video entitled "Americans are not stupid", which shows a reporter stopping people on the street in the US, asking them simple questions, and getting very surprising answers... One thing's for sure: you're going to have some fun watching this video! You'll also meet plenty of useful expressions and probably some new words to learn, which you can practice at the interactive tasks at the end. |
What you need on your computer |
Macromedia Flash Player (to view the interactive exercise) Microsoft Word (to download material as a handout) |
Teacher's note |
This is a video lesson with really fast American English (but with subtitles) depicting how much SOME Americans know about the world they live in. Before getting to the video, students have to answer the questions the people are asked themselves, which promotes better understanding of the listening material. The vocabulary from the video (and our explanations that follow) can be practiced at the interactive exercises at the end. You can download the lesson as a handout (.doc) as well as an interactive module (.swf) |
Download lesson |
- You can download the lesson here. (.doc) - You can download the interactive module here. (.swf) |